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Now Available*

Mortgages for: Solicitors, Barristers, Lawyers, Judges, Doctors, NHS, Surgeon, Accountants, Architects, Actuaries, Chartered Surveyors, Dentists, Optometrists, Pharmacists, Veterinarians.

'Professional Mortgages' for Professionals

A Professional Mortgage does exist and is available to one or more of the applicants and must have become fully qualified in the last 5 years.

Borrow up to 6.5x your Income

You can borrow up to 6.5Xs your income as a sole or joint applicant, at least one of you must be qualified within the last 5yrs and match the lender's criteria to qualify*.

Professional Mortgages are for the following below, subject to checks with your governing bodies:

  • Accountants

  • Barristers

  • Architects

  • Actuaries

  • Chartered Surveyors

  • Dentists

  • Medical Doctors

  • Optometrists

  • Pharmacists

  • Solicitors

  • Veterinarians

Let Rockstar Mortgages assess your financial circumstances, and they will guide you through what's best for you when buying your home. Our newly welcomed members also benefit from our Residential 'Lifetime Mortgage Membership', or our High-Net-Worth Premier Membership, saving you £000s.

It's time, a choice to maximise your borrowing

Professional Mortgages

How do I qualify as a professional for a mortgage?

All professionals need to be qualified within a time frame, usually 5yrs

Is there a minimum amount of income to qualify?

Yes. There are lenders that will accept your application for around £35,000pa.

Can we have a joint mortgage application if we're both professionals?

Yes - This gives you more borrowing power for professionals like you.

Can I have a Professional Mortgage even if my spouse isn't?

Yes - As long as one of the applicants meets the criteria of the chosen lender.

Do I have to prove that I qualify as a Professional?

Yes - The chosen lender may/will require evidence of your qualifications with your registered body.

My credit profile isn't that good, and has some light adverse, can you still help?

Once we've assessed your financial details and matched them to a suitable lender, additional questions may/will be asked before your application is submitted.

What is the minimum amount I can borrow?

As with most lenders, there are some lenders who will lend a typical minimum amount of £75,000 for professional mortgages. We'll discuss this in more detail to make it work.

What is the maximum amount I can borrow?

Lenders will consider 6.5Xs your income for sole applicants and for joint applicants.

Where do I begin?

Book your mortgage appointment with us below or Scan/Click the QR Code, and we can discuss your mortgage options. 

Apply Today

Mortgages for: Solicitors, Barristers, Lawyers, Judges, Doctors, NHS, Surgeon, Accountants, Architects, Actuaries, Chartered Surveyors, Dentists, Optometrists, Pharmacists, Veterinarians.
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